Hathor, het-hert, and the Hathor goddess
A secret about Hathor is that she is also a yogic goddess and the creatress of Hatha Yoga.
New suggestions of Vedic personifications in Egypt
Ha*thor Ha*tha
Sun & moon
Sacred cow in India and Egypt
Personified in poses such as Cat Cow, Sun Salutation, Moon Pose, Dancing Shiva - all Hathor personifications
What this tells us is new information about who Hathor really was, information that ties her outside of Egypt and as having greater influence in our world than we discuss.
The goddess Hathor is one of the oldest known deities of Egypt, and it is certain that, under the form of a cow, she was worshipped in the early part of the archaic period, because flint model of the head and horns of the cow, which was her type and symbol, has been found among the early archaic, or late predynastic flints in Egypt. This sacred cow personification of Hathor is the same influence of the sacred cow in Hindiusm, as the Divine Feminine. The forms in which the goddess is depicted are numerous, but this is not to be wondered at, because during the course of the dynastic period she was identified with very important local goddesses, and all their attributes, of whatever class and kind, were ascribed to her. The oldest form of all is probably that of the cow, and this was preserved, through chiefly in funeral sciences and in the Book of the Dead, until the beginning of the Roman period. Het-Hert the name of the goddess, means the “House above” ie the region of the sky or heaven, and another form of it, Het-Heru, House of Horus shows that she was a personification of the house in which Horus the Sun-god dwelt, and that she represented the portion of times Hathor, the Aesop of the Greek writers, typified only that portion of the sky in which Horus, the oldest form of the Sun-god, had been conceived and brought forth, and her domain was in the east of the sky; but at length she came to represent the whole sky, and in so doing, she, no doubt, absorbed many of the attributes of predynastic goddesses. In the text of Pepi I, it is said, “Every god will take the hand of Ra-meri in heaven, and they will conduct him to Het-Heru, which is the heaven of Qebhu, and his double shall be able to make his voice (or word) take effect upon Seb.” From this passage, it seems as if the House of Horus was only one special part of the great watery mass of heaven, which is generally known by the name of “Qebh.”
Hathor, Net and Ma’at
Seven wise ones othe Goddess Meh-urt together with Thoth Tekh born in Meh-urt at the feet of Nu. And they came forth from the water, from the pupil of the Eye of Rá took from the seven hawks and flew upwards together with Asten, a form of Thoth presided over learning and letters.
Thoth-Ma’at & Ptah-Sehket acquired attributes and personifications of one another.
Son of Ptah and Sekhet Pakht and Bast, represented by the lotus flower surmounted on the sceptre of lotus plumes. In this form, Nefer-Tem Khum Taui, Nefer-Tem Khu Taui Ankh Rekhit. Dead king compared to a lotus at the nostril of the Great Sekhem.
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