Egypt geology
The Nile River Valley mostly comprises granite, sandstone, limestone and shale. Generally the conditions required to effect this transformation can be only be found deep underground, where plates are colliding or when still molten magma comes into contact with surrounding rocks. The latter situation is referred to as ‘contact metamorphism’. While rocks are heated during metamorphic processes they are not melted.
Granite, other igneous rocks * Gneiss
Sandstone Quartzite
Shale Slate
Limestone Marble
The stones were quarried from Aswan, and moved along hundreds of kilometres along the Nile to the plateau. Limestone, granite and sandstone are among some of the stone mostly used and seen in ancient Egypt.
Weathering, Erosion, Transport, and Deposition
Practicing connecting with the natural processes in nature and metamorphosis
In contrast to metamorphic changes, which require heat and pressure not normally found on the earth’s surface, rock weather and erosion occur at or near the earth’s surface. These processes can be accentuated by previous cracks of the rocks.
Weathering is the term that refers to the breakdown or decomposition of rocks on or near the surface of the earth by either chemical or physical means.
Yoga on the Nile new theories and, further, once understanding this great wisdom, to attain to your higher selves through the practice of transmutation and alchemy, through higher energetic frequencies in tune with the Cosmic frequency. Tapping into our inner frequencies to tune to those of the higher self-identity, which, when in tune, can connect with higher conscious fields of influence of the Gods of the Nile River Basin.
These fields of conscious influence are keys to the secrets once of Ancient Egypt.
Through sacred knowledge, third-eye wisdom channeling, concentration, and manifestation there are secret powers that might explain a new idea as to how these extraordinary colossal monuments, temples, and sites were built. Ultimately aligning our vision and energy with that of the Cosmic Universe allows us to transmit direct communications with the energy channeled. The Gods worked through these higher frequencies to influence force, decision, and mechanisms that enabled people to carry out this important work building sacred sites of important historical meaning to our civilization. This gives us extraordinary powers, powers delivered for a divine cosmic work to be carried out on Earth.
By channeling and unlocking sacred chakra energy and energetic fields in our inner temples and powers of manifestation, we can align our consciousness with the divine consciousness of the Star Walkers or the Shining Ones.
At Yoga on the Nile, using techniques of concentration and visualization, we open ourselves to connect to the sacred energies of transformation that exist in nature, allowing this energy of metamorphosis, decomposition, and transformation to activate a cycle of rebirth and transformation within ourselves. The practice of different techniques to tap into energy fields within ancient Egypt exists at its most primitive and raw energy levels. Through our own practice and technique, we focus on these sacred energy fields within ourselves as they exist in nature as well, allowing this sacred natural energy to permeate our own chakras and energy fields.
Much like new rock formations such as crystals, our own lives, mind, body, and spirit can undergo extreme amounts of pressure and hot energy into our lives. Often, even despite many efforts, this ongoing pressure persists. Through the practice of sacred energy transformation, we align our intentions with these energy fields, allowing our own metamorphosis to exist like that found in nature, rocks, and geology. Allowing a balance of our yin and yang energies to collide and then harmonize with the sacred energy of rock formations, like a snake shedding its skin. Channeling these powerful forces into personal transformative visualizations and the manifestation of co-creation.
Explore new theories of how
ancient Egypt was built by exploring
our inner architects of the Cosmos.
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