It is through my will I set my mind in motion

Life energy is expanded in all processes of thought, feeling and physical activity. This technique, when practiced correctly, replenishes the energy by tapping its source, the medulla oblongata; life energy can be continuously supplied to the body from this source by stimulating the medulla oblongata center with conscious will and the Cosmic Energy surrounding it. By keeping in touch with the Cosmic source of life energy, it is possible to work without fatigue.

Concentration of the muscles, as is the practice of mechanical, physical exercises, tends to make one think of himself as a physical being only. The science of concentrating on the inner life energy and will power teaches us to awaken one’s consciousness of our subtle spiritual nature. Strength comes from within not from the muscles.  Life is sustained from the powers within; it does not depend solely upon food or exercise. 

These instructions teach one to spiritualize the body—to perceive it as a reflection of Spirit and to think of oneself as the divine life energy that sustains the body, rather than as a mere physical vehicle consisting of bones and muscles of a certain volume and weight.  Energy can be made to permeate the body by tension and can be withdrawn from the body by relaxation.

All our limbs and muscles are moved by the exercise of will and life energy. The flow of life energy into the sensory nerves is caused by divine will and our own will together; the flow of life energy into the motor nerves is caused by our own will.

Remember:   The greater the exertion of the will, the greater the flow of life energy into a particular body part, or motor nerves; caused by our own will.

Consciousness (will) is the prime factor in creating changes in the flow of energy.

“Oh, I thought that this little body contained only a fragile little life, easily crushed by storm or accident; but now I realize that beneath this life is the Cosmic Life.”

Inside our brains, we have crystals that are much like the crystals used for radio communications. These crystals are internal receptors that enable radio signals and frequencies.

In order to best fine-tune ourselves to the Cosmic energy, understanding our body and mind and its relationship to the Infinite is key to this process. Thoughts, ideas, and consciousness are not born within, but in the Cosmic field where our identity exists. Imagine yourself as a projection of your higher self. These practices, like any other exercise, help us flex our consciousness field to our highest potential. In this field, we can transmit the highest frequency and align our intentions with those of higher conscious existence.

The Egyptians were grand architects, relating their lives, temples, sites and pyramids with the Cosmic Universe and the Gods. The divine attunement I bring forth here allows us to tune into the frequency of the Cosmic Universe; in this mind, there is no matter and our minds. Hence, can move the matter, and the activity of your everyday lives now is aligned with the Infinite.

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