Sacred energy transformation

Through the practice of the sacred energy transformation technique of YOGA ON THE NILE, we align our intentions with these sacred energy fields of EGYPT, allowing our own metamorphosis to exist like that found in nature, water, air, stone, wood, and the aether, which is closely connected to the subtle energies and the chakras. Allowing a balance of our yin and yang energies to collide and then harmonize with the sacred energy.

Yoga on the Nile

energy *  meditation

Inner sacred transformations are expressed throughout ancient Egypt conceptualized by the Egyptians of long ago. At Yoga on the Nile I hope to inspire you to connect with the sacred energies of Egypt and harness the transformation that exists in nature, while exploring some of the most magnificent and extraordinary temples and sacred sites built by ancient civilization of Egypt.

They practiced different techniques to tap into energy fields within ancient Egypt to reach these portals of energy hidden in ancient Egyptian mysticism. Similarly, the Vedic texts, Kriya yoga, Zen Buddhism also teach the practice of meditation, and prayer to attain higher frequencies of our Cosmic identity.  It is a journey, one that teaches us about the nature of reality, which is filled with many different adventures for us to travel through. My hope is that this journey to be an important passage in your inner journey as well.

Today, we live as projections of our higher Cosmic identity, an illusion within a field of infinite possibilities,  with the possibility to transform ourselves into our fully attained self.  That understanding is a good step to the higher attainment; that perception of our understanding we have higher capabilities.  Through our own practice and technique, we focus on these sacred energy fields within ourselves as they exist in nature as well, allowing this sacred natural energy to permeate our own chakras and energy fields.

Important: Meditation mind upon the Infinite becomes Unlimit

Through the practice of the sacred energy transformation technique of YOGA ON THE NILE, we align our intentions with these sacred energy fields of EGYPT, allowing our own metamorphosis to exist like that found in nature, water, air, stone, wood, and the aether, which is closely connected to the subtle energies and the chakras. Allowing a balance of our yin and yang energies to collide and then harmonize with the sacred energy.

This sacred energy connects our consciousness with the higher realms of the Cosmos, transmitting signals directly to and from. Through our excursion through the Nile and this sacred region where the seven wonders of the world exist, activating chakras and energy fields.

Architects of grand scale and higher conscious knowledge, connecting our lives here on Earth with those of the cosmos, the Egyptian gods, kings, pharaohs, and queens of ancient antiquity, were driven by this cosmic energy connection.

Through these practices we will be practicing this art of transferring the attention from finite things to the Infinite. By connecting our inner potential to the vast Infinite, we can open high-frequency energy channels connecting us to the divine. Practicing chants and mantras, meditation and visualization, praise and worship which help indulge the Gods and their frequency and senses while visiting sacred sites, awaken our consciousness to the shared space which is how ancient Egypt, and various sacred sites around the world, including Macchu Picchu, Teotihuacan, Stonehenge, Pantheon, Easter Island were once built. By this synergy, we can collectively activate a higher being to live in our inner temples, and Cosmic temples. Here, I suggest traversing to your Infite immortal self, as the Egyptians believed, between life and death, while living here and now on Earth.

Explore new theories of how ancient Egypt was built by exploring our own inner architects of the Cosmos.

Chakras & Nadis

Chakras is another unifying personification of Vedic Hindu traditions, Zen Buddhism, and Ancient Egypt. The energetic fields, their forms, scents, and associations are the same in India as in Egypt.

Let’s channel our consciousness towards higher realms


SECOND CHAKRA: SACRUM sanskrit: svadhisthana (sweet) element: water color: orange form: crescent circle inner self: sexuality passion happiness liberty scent: Myrrh

THIRD CHAKRA: SOLAR PLEXUS sankskrit: manipura color: yellow lotus petals: six seed sound: vang (vwam) endocrine glands: ovaries testicles uterus physical association: matrix genitals bladder inner self: power control self-esteem scent: palo Santo





In the Pranamayakosha or the energy body, there are 72,000 nadis. The 72,000 nadis spring from three basic nadis – the left, the right and the central – the Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna. The word “nadi” does not mean nerve. Nadis are pathways or channels of prana in the system. These 72,000 nadis don’t have a physical manifestation. There are 72,000 different ways in which the energy or prana moves.

The ego, or ahamkara does not reside in reality in a physical body because the ego is not absolute physical. It resides in the subtle bodies and moves in the nadis, the ethereal nerves. The 72,000 nadis of the body act like conduits of Prana.

72,000 signifies 7 + 2 = 9:  The Nine Paths of which of Prana can traverse in and out of the body. The majority of the nadis begin with or end with a door, which are the organs of the senses: the two eyes, the two nostrils, two ears, the mouth, the anus and the genitalia. The Prana, moving through breath, ignites the inner body fire, and the mind travels through Prana and these doors so that we can gain wordly experience, control over sense gratification and the nadis enables you to control the ego, the mind and the senses.

Surya Nadi - Sun channel

Chandra Nadi - Moon channel

Sushumna - Fire channel

The Ida and Pingala represent the basic duality in the existence. It is this duality which we traditionally personify as Shiva and Shakti. Or you can simply call it masculine and feminine, or it can be the logical and the intuitive aspect of you. It is based on this that life is created. Without these two dualities, life wouldn’t exist as it does right now. In the beginning, everything is primordial, there is no duality. But once creation happens, there is duality.

In terms of certain qualities in nature some have been identified as masculine. Certain other qualities have been identified as feminine. You may be a man, but if your Ida is more pronounced, the feminine may be dominant in you. You may be a woman, but if your Pingala is more pronounced, the masculine may be dominant in you.

Bringing a balance between the Ida and Pingala will make you effective in the world, it will make you handle life aspects well. Most people live and die in Ida and Pingala; Sushumna, the central space, remains dormant. But Sushumna is the most significant aspect of human physiology. Only when energies enter into Sushumna, life really begins.


Fundamentally, Sushumna is attribute-less, it has no quality of its own. It is like empty space. If there is empty space, you can create anything you want. Once energies enter into Sushumna, we say you attain to Vairagya. “Raga,” means color. “Vairag,” means no color, you have become transparent. If you have become transparent, if what is behind you is red, you turn red too. If what is behind you is blue, you turn blue too. If what is behind you is yellow, you turn yellow too. You are unprejudiced. Wherever you are, you become a part of that, but nothing sticks to you. Only if you are like this, only if you are in a state of Vairag, then you will dare to explore all dimensions of life when you live here.

Right now, you are reasonably balanced, but if for some reason the outside situation goes crazy, you will also go crazy in reaction to that because that is the nature of Ida and Pingala. It is reactive to what is outside. But once the energies enter into Sushumna, you attain to a new kind of balance, an inner balance where whatever happens outside, there is a certain space within you which never gets disturbed, which is never in any kind of turmoil, which cannot be touched by the outside situations. Only if you create this stable situation within yourself, you will dare to scale the peaks of consciousness.

Cleansing and Purification for energetic work

Shaucha, or cleanliness, allows our Prana to flow liberally, dissolves energetic blocks and create an opening of purity, thus allowing us to approach our energetic work in this empty space. Shaucha is good practice to clear, prepare and open our energy fields enabling clarity of our being to draw within and throughout the Cosmos to reside within us aligning our inner intentions with those of the Cosmic forces.


It is necessary to keep the attention free from distraction during concentration. The mind of the average person is restless, even when he makes a real effort to concentrate. Here, we apply the scientific approach to harmonizing breath, life force, and mind to achieve one-pointed concentration on our chosen goddess, god, or energy source on each site and through Sacred Teachings of Yoga on the Nile.

Through this one-pointed concentration of our affirmation, we enable the yogi to engage control over sensory distractions and focus towards the Divine Goal.

It is life force that governs breath, heartbeat, sensory impressions, and motor responses—all the functions of the body. Pranayama means control of that life force; and hence control over all the functions of the body.

The first function of life force in the body is to supply energy directly to the brain. The All-Surrounding Cosmic Energy enters the brain through the medulla oblongata. From the medulla, life energy is also transmitted to the heart, lungs, diaphragm- to every organ and every cell in the body. Life force is the electric power that directly energizes the cells and keeps them functioning in a living way. Flowing into the body through the medulla, life force keeps the body battery charged with life.

Asana is the union of breath with movement. Breath is always first, then movement. Through various forms of inhalation and exhalation modulation (Khumbaka) by regulating and holding the breath we can activate various energetic and mental results.   

Activating our Prana, or scared energy, connects us to the frequency of Creation and  sacred vibrations and energies. Throughout our journey of Yoga on the Nile we will be setting the intention of positive vibrations and connecting our inner frequencies with those of the sacred sites, activating and opening sacred channels of higher frequencies.

It is said that once these sacred prana energies have been activated, we are capable of anything at these superior conscious states or consciousness- with a breath or a mantra, the essence of the object and its higher elevated potential are revealed.

How to Meditate

Meditation is the science of reuniting the soul with Spirit. The soul, descending from the Cosmic Divine into flesh, manifests its consciousness and life force through seven chakras, or centers of light, in man’s cerebrospinal axis.  These are the “seven stars” or “seven churches” spoken of by St. John in the book of Revelation. Encased in the bodily prison, the soul consciousness and life force become identified with the physical vehicle and its mortal limitation. Scientific meditation awakens the soul consciousness in the seven cerebrospinal centers. In a state of divine recollectedness, the soul intuitively realizes its immortal nature and origin. An ever-increasing accession of inner peace and joy accompanies the various progressive states of soul awakening. In the most exalted states, soul and Spirit become reunited in ecstatic, blissful communion, or samadhi.

By meditating, then, we connect the little joy of the soul with the vast joy of the Spirit. Meditation should not be confused with ordinary concentration. Concentration consists in freeing the attention from distractions and in focusing it on any thought in which one may be interested. Meditation is that special form of concentration in which the attention has been liberated from restlessness and is focused on the transcendental. Meditation is concentration used to know God, transcendental states of divine communion or samadhi.

One of the first requisites for meditation is correct posture. The spine should be erect. When the devotee is seeking to direct his or her mind and life force upward through the cerebrospinal axis to the centers of higher consciousness in the brain.

The art of energization

The physical body is a bundle of motions, a combination of the cells composed of moving molecules, which is in turn are made up of whirling atoms, composed of protons, electrons, neutrons, positrons, and mesons, whirling in the relatively immense space within each atom. These minute, semi-intelligent forms are manifestations of sparks of thought from the Infinite Intelligence.

Although the body appears to be a solid mass of limited proportions, occupying a small area of space, the cells that compose the body are manifestations of a vast ocean of molecular waves.  The molecular waves of the body are manifestations of the still greater ocean of atomic waves. The molecular waves of the body are manifestations of the immense ocean of electrons, protons, and other atomic particles. The waves of protons, electrons, etc., are manifestations of vaster oceans of vital force. The vital force (or life energy) is a manifestation of the measureless powers of all forms of subconsciousness, superconsciousness, Christ consciousness, and Cosmic consciousness.

The body appears small as a manifestation of chemical motion, but since the chemical motions of the bodily cells are actually condensed waves of Cosmic Consciousness, the body is potentially vast and omnipresent.

Underlying the chemical motion in cells are dancing waves of molecular motion, beneath which surge waves of atomic motion. Below the atomic layer are waves of electronic and protonic motion, hiding in the bright waves of dancing sparks, the vital forces. Underlying these expressions of life energy are waves of sensation, and deeper still are waves of thought, feeling, and will force. Hidden at the very bottom of all these waves of varied motions of life is the ego. Ego is soul in the delusive state of being identified with the physical body.